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Become a Speaker

Step into the spotlight and share your expertise with our vibrant community of innovators! Join us as a speaker and inspire, educate, and connect with fellow enthusiasts on the forefront of change.

Benefits & Opportunities

Share Expertise

As a speaker, you have the opportunity to share your knowledge, insights, and expertise with a diverse audience of the PHICSIT community.

Build Credibility

Speaking at our events within the community helps you to establish yourself as a thought leader and expert in your field.

Expand Your Network

Speaking engagements allow you to connect with a wide range of individuals within the PHICSIT community.

Professional Development

Speaking in front of an audience helps to hone your public speaking and communication skills.

Exposure and Visibility

Speaking at community events provides exposure and visibility for you and your expertise.

Contribution to the Community

By sharing your knowledge and insights as a speaker, you contribute to the collective learning and growth of the community

Steps to Become a Speaker


Apply for becoming a speaker through the Google form given below.


Once the final selection is made, the selected speaker will get information via email or phone.


Just provide details about the session, including the date, time, and topic.

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